Use code “Tryit!” for 20% off.

Use code “Tryit!” for 20% off.

Join our affiliate program

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Commission Structure

Affiliates will receive 25% commissions on a “last credit” and “lifetime” bases to include referrals. This means you will receive commissions on any product purchased by an account holder and anyone they refer for the life of that account. Also, credit for a new account will be attributed to the most recent referrer.

How referrals are tracked

Referrals are designated via 60-day cookies. If one of your customers purchases seats after 60 days and before 120, or they cleared cookies and lost the referral, you will be reimbursed manually upon notice.


As the program is being spun up, payments will be triggered manually through Paypal on monthly bases. Other payment options and auto-payments on a weekly schedule are on the future features list.

Affiliate relationship

Affiliates are free agents who are responsible for promotion of their own program and Void is not to be held liable for any inaccurate claims made about our products.

Void reserves the right to update the terms as needed. Affiliates will be notified following any segnificant updates.

PPC and Media Buys

You agree not to compete with/cannibalize our trademarks, names, extensions, or variations as keywords for any PPC network, content network, or media buy. Please also add “void” to your negative keywords list. However, general terms such as “odorless odor eliminator” are acceptable until this policy has been changed and you have been notified.

If your ads are showing for our brands and we ask for screenshots of your dashboard, you agree to provide all relevant captures within 5 business days. During this timeframe your commissions may be set to zero and some or all may be reversed regardless of origin. If the undoctored screenshots indicate that the overlap was accidental and sales were not driven using our trademarks, the affiliate’s commissions will be restored.

Disclaimers/Hold Harmless

During all activity, and especially when promoting restricted, age-verified, or otherwise controlled products like nicotine, alcohol or tobacco, you agree to follow all legal protocol and ad disclaimer regulations. ABM Equipment Co. and its partners assume no responsibility or liability for illegal acts of their partners or their affiliates.